I feel excited to face this month. Because this month is my birthday month, precisely on March 20, 2011.. after I followed the general tests in my school semester. Err -__-"
Maybe true what the saying goes, "first-rafts, swimming later. ail first, have fun later. "
And, I did prepare to face my birthday is .. JUST STUDY AND NOTHING ELSE WHAT I TO DO. As a dreamer, I hope when I closed my eyes, suddenly I was on March 20, 2011. Pretty cool, huh?? But it's no way :D
Well, and as a dreamer (again), I hope this year is a surprise like the time my birthday last year. I'll tell you. Cekidot.
Once upon a time (am I a Cinderella or who?? :D).. Saturday, March 20, 2010..
Right at 5 am, I turned on my cell phone that night in the dead position. Suddenly, there are incoming messages that were sent at 2 o'clock in the morning!! Apparently, he was my beloved father. Not how long, no more incoming messages are sent at 4 am. Apparently, she was my beloved mother. About 3 minutes later, someone called me. Woops, it turns out Al Riz Dean and his younger sister, Putri Deanna. They called me just wanted to say "happy birthday" to me. However, they already gave me a gift before my birthday arrived. They gave me a black wristwatch. Don't know what brand it (forget it, because now it is damaged. Sad.), an important was black color and BIG!! Thank you so much, Al and Putri!! And.. greeting in the morning with sent me a message.. DAD AND MOM!!
For events at school, not bad so-so. The point I didn't get a gift that many of my friends like 2 years ago (but who care??). But, I get the greeting "happy birthday" and so much more.
As usual, every Saturday, I was always vocal lessons with my old sister. When I would come out of the room vocal lessons because time has expired, suddenly, my vocal teacher immediately play the "Happy Birthday" song with her piano. My goodness.. :D
After from my grandmother's house to pick up my cake made by my grandmother, I was surprised when it arrived at my house. I see there is a motorcycle. There seems to be someone who comes into my house, and I know who.. students (because my mother worked as a lecturer in engineering faculty). But, strangely, why there are 3 pairs of shoes at my front door? However, why only one there is a motorcycle? Well, no need to suspect. I',m in to my house with the words "Assalamu'alaikum ..". BASIC!! That three people didn't answer a word. When I arrived in the living room, there're three people who were sitting on my couch and yelled to me, "SURPRISE!!". Apparently, they're Nuke, Frista, and Maulana!! Since I am shocked and new this time get a surprise like this, I immediately cried to sit on the floor. The three of them laughed at me. Honestly, in fact while in school, I was asked to Nuke and Frista whether they can go to my house today. I want to celebrate my birthday with them. However, they both said "can't, because there is a family event." However, I believe their words, and now get a surprise from them. LOL.
And, I got three gifts from them. Nuke gave me a red photo frame, Frista gave me a CD album Pee Wee Gaskins "The Sophomore", and Maulana gave me the VCD "Hannah Montana: The Movie". OMG!! OMG!! Thank you so much, guys!! =)
Promptly at 7 PM, Nuke and Frista still in my house. We were watching a movie together at my house. Suddenly, someone called me with strange numbers. Who is he?? If you want to know, see the story of a conversation between me and this stranger. Cekidot!!
D: Hello??
R: Hello??
D: Hello??
R: Yes yes yes yes hello??
D: Is this person who celebrate her birthday today?
R: Yup. Who's this??
D: Well, happy birthday!! Wait, who's your full name? I forgot. LOL.
R: (surprised) My full name is Rie-Da NabiLah. Wait, who's this??
D: Oh yes!! Btw, how much your age today?
R: 14 .. Sek ("sek" meant "wait". "sek" is Java Language).. Who's this??
D: Well, it's still so young!!
R: (speak in my hearts) This person is possessed or what?? Many of my friends say I'm old, but why did this person say that I am still young??
D: Hello??
R: Hello??
D: Uh, Rie, happy birthday. Hopefully longevity, diligent worship, obedient to the your pare..
R: Sek sek, who's this?? Who is this??
D: ..study hard, and still support NTR!!
R: (wonder, speak in my hearts) NTR?? Night To Remember??
D: Hello??
R: Who's this? Why didn't admit of??
D: Okay. You ask me who I am??
R: (curious, speak in my hearts) Of course!! Who else?? -__-"
D: I am a provider of your prime card.
R: MPREEEEEET!! Who's this?? Tell me, please!
D: Yeah. I'm serious.
R: Liar.
D: Okay. I am??
R: Yes.
D: I am??
R: (shocked, cried, screaming shock in my hearts)
D: (laughs) Happy birthday, Rie!!
R: (still crying touched) Thank you very much, Dema!!
D: (laughing) Yeah yeaaaaah..
He is Dema Juliansyah, a singer of band NTR aka Night To Remember. Before the band was well known and enter a label (indie), I was chatting with Dema and be his friend via YM. But, though we never met and call like this (wedeeeeh..). Get a conclusion about my birthday, was the plan all these surprises is my old sister, Aya. Thank you so much, Aya (though sometimes you make me annoyed. LOL.). But I'm really really glad with you. You are my best sister I ever had =)